M. Wayne Stanton                    
      Bentley & Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
                         Technical Consultant



Technical Consultant




  Motor Cars







   Engines Rebuilt


   Products & Parts





Products and Parts

                     bearings and bits  in stock                               more bits...                         


                         assorted parts in stock                                                 water pump parts


                             fuel pumps rebuilt                              starter generator & voltage regulator rebuilt


    fuel and oil level sending units  (in stock)          fuel & oil level sending units made and repaired


                        differentials rebuilt                                    Hapalon ignition wire, misc, and keys


   generator (5 inch), starter brush, hoses and bearings                 anti-friction bearings

   stainless steel manifold studs & nuts manufactured                   instruments and tools 

        Other parts available (not shown)


·      Member of Rolls-Royce Motor Club for 39 years. 

·        Maker of specialized parts for Rolls-Royce and Bentley.

·        Expert  restorations and repairs .

·        Rare Parts Supplied.

·        Guaranteed Personal Service.

·        Contact by phone for availability & prices.

M. Wayne Stanton
  Technical Consultant

             4305 McGee Road
         Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
            Office: 205 -737-7175
                 (c) 205-394-2866




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This site was last updated 09/22/11